

The message at the very heart of Holocaust Museum Houston’s educational programs encourages visitors to become Upstanders, those who take positive action on behalf of others. The Holocaust and modern genocides that have followed would not have been possible without the complicity of bystanders. This complicity, represented by the World War II-era railcar, is contrasted with the 1940’s Danish fishing boat, the Hanne Frank . The railcar tells the stories of incredible evil committed by ordinary people against their very own neighbors. It reminds visitors of the horrible injustices that occurred while much of the world stood idly by and did little or nothing in response. The Hanne Frank has been intentionally placed next to the Museum’s Holocaust-era railcar to help the Museum teach students and other visitors the continuing importance of each individual’s responsibility to act when confronted with injustice. The Hanne Frank tells the heroic story of a three-week period in 1943 when Christians in Denmark risked their own lives to save more than 7,200 Jews, nearly the entire Jewish population in Denmark, from almost certain execution at the hands of Nazi Germany. The juxtaposition of the ship, which was used to save the lives of Jews during World War II, and the railcar, which deposited millions of Jews at German concentration and killing centers, inspires the docents to ask students and visitors the age-old question, “When presented with a situation, will you choose to be an upstander, bystander or perpetrator?” To emphasize this important lesson and

ensure that the meaning is not missed, we are bringing the artifacts inside, to ensure their preservation. This new space will allow students and visitors to contemplate the actions that could have been taken and recognize that one person can make a difference. Docents and students will be able to enjoy the lessons learned comfortably year- round without regard to inclement weather. The structure will be climate-controlled and will prevent damage and wear on the railcar and boat by the elements and ensure that generations of visitors and students will learn the lessons of the Holocaust and choose a way that is positive for themselves and others.



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